Prayers of reparation and atonement

May 2010

Fifteen Minutes on Fridays

Friday 28 May: Friday of eighth week in ordinary time

Gospel of the Day: Mark 11: 11-26

If appropriate, light a candle.

Reflecting on the Gospel
Read the whole Gospel if time permits. If not, you might like to focus on the following sentence:

‘Does not scripture say:
My house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples?
But you have turned it into a robber’s den.’

Repeat the phrase ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples.
Allow the phrase to build up images or words in your mind.
How do you find your heart responding to the phrase?
Now repeat the second phrase: ‘But you have turned it into a robber’s den.’
What images or words come to mind?
How does your heart respond to the phrase?
Are you tempted to use another word instead of ‘robber’s’?
What word is it – and why do you think it comes to mind?

Read the Gospel – focusing on the part that takes place in the Temple.
What words or phrases strike you?
If you were to draw Jesus – or describe how he looked – what might he look like?
Is this your usual image of Jesus?
What do you think Jesus might say or do if he came to a church
where there had been abuse of children, young people or adults?
Where would his anger be directed?

Jesus, your anger flares when those who seek you are exploited –
where human greed distorts and destroys.
Teach us to share your anger in ways that bring forth justice and healing:
help us discern what needs to be overturned
in order that your church will be a haven of prayer and consolation
for all peoples.

| Group Prayer for 28 May |

| 7 May |14 May | 21 May | 28 May |

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