Prayers of reparation and atonement

May 2010

Fifteen Minutes on Fridays

Friday 21 May: Seventh Friday of Easter

Gospel of the Day: John 21: 15-19

If appropriate, light a candle.

Reflecting on the Gospel
Read the whole Gospel if time permits. If not, you might like to focus on the following sentence:

‘Yes Lord, you know I love you.’
‘Feed my lambs.’
‘Feed my sheep.’

Read each phrase slowly and then close your eyes and repeat them silently.
You could breathe in the first line and alternate the other two lines when breathing out.
Who are the sheep?
Who are the lambs?
Who is called to feed them?
What is the ‘qualification’ for the role?

Reflect on the commission being placed on Peter and his successors.
Notice the relationship between love and feeding – what does this say to you?
Who are the successors? Who are the lambs and sheep?
What is the meaning of this commission in the light of what we are hearing
about the abuse of children, young people and adults.

Jesus, you teach us that our desire to love you
is shown in our love and care for the young and the vulnerable.
We thank you for the faithful ones who cherish those placed in their care –
but feel dismay and anger with those who have so abused the commission you laid on them.
Teach us the way of robust honesty that your lambs and sheep may find in your Church
safe pasture and the tenderest care.

| Group Prayer for 21 May |

| 7 May |14 May | 21 May | 28 May |

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