Wellspring of Scripture


Year B: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Second Reading: Ephesians 2: 13-18

One of the most serious issues confronting the early Church was that of distinctions between Jews and Gentiles. Some believed that Jesus came only for the Jewish people - others that the Good News was for the whole world. By the time this letter was written, the Church had accepted that Gentiles as well as Jews were able to be baptised.


However, the Reading today suggests that there was still some unease between the two sides of the community. The writer does not simply tackle the problem head on, he again turns his readers’ attention heavenwards and sets the difficulty in the greater context. There are differences - but they have been overcome through the death and resurrection of Christ. Christ himself fulfilled the Law and so broke down the hostility provoked by its rules and regulations. He himself has reconciled them - united them in a single Body - restored peace - and brought good news of peace to all - near and far.


The last sentence of the Reading echoes the words of the Doxology to the Eucharistic Prayer: “Through him, with him, in him - in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honour is yours Almighty Father, for ever and ever...” The eyes of all those gathered are on the one Bread, one Cup as we are reminded that it is through this sacrifice that we come to the Father. We stand united to say the prayer of the Christian family - and then offer a sign of peace.


As we look at our own communities, we are aware of factions and disagreements. In fact, disagreement has been part of Church life from the beginning and has often been necessary in order to establish what the Spirit is trying to accomplish there. This Reading - and those few moments at Mass remind us that all things have been reconciled in Christ - and our diversity of opinion should not - cannot? - destroy the unity of spirit so dearly bought for us.


What does it mean for me?



How could this reading - and those moments at Mass influence decision-making in your community?

How does it affect your attitude to those who disagree with you?

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