Year A: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Reading: Romans 5: .6-11 The death of Jesus was proof of the great love God has for humanity. Last week, St Paul was reflecting on the trust in the face of adversity which proved the quality of our faith. This week, we are being shown the depths of God’s love in sending His Son - not when we had proven ourselves worthy of such a gift but when we were still caught up in sin. We would agree with St Paul that it is hard enough to die for anyone - and honour those who sacrifice their lives for others. Where there are ties of love, it is easier to understand - but to lay down your life for someone you don’t know is hard to comprehend. It would be almost impossible to imagine what would inspire someone to die for someone who disliked them - whose values were very different from their own. And yet, this is in effect what Jesus did. Having done this, God proved that His love endures our sin - our infidelity - our lack of trust. When we were weakest, He yet again, “flew” underneath us as a parent eagle (see First Reading) and lifted us up on the strength of His wings. That this was accomplished by the life and death of His only-begotten Son is beyond anything we could have asked or imagined - let alone deserved. So great and generous a love is not withdrawn - even when we prove ourselves unworthy - such a love seeks always to be reconciled with the object of its love. We realise that the God who loved us when we were bound by sin, loves us still. We may fail - but God’s love, shown in the life and death of Jesus, is unshaken. God has reconciled us to Himself - a gift He will not withdraw. If we truly take the message to heart - our response can only be the joyful trust in God of which St Paul speaks. What does it mean for me?
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