Wellspring of the Gospel


Year C: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Deuteronomy 30: 10-14

The link between the Gospel and its companion First Reading is the Law - and the purpose of the Law.

For some, the study of the Law was a delight - but more from the point of proving points and working out ever more complicated rules based on it. In giving the Law to the people, Moses is not offering something beyond them - or something obscure or strange. The Law does not require great feats in order to be found - it is very near to us - in our mouths and in our hearts.

The Law - or Word of God - is not meant to live outside us - as something we refer to from time-to-time but which we keep safely tucked away for most of the time.

The Word is meant to live within us - to become part of our very being. As we read and reflect and learn more about what God wants for - and from - us, so we absorb more and more of the love of which it speaks. We learn how to observe it - not out of a mindless obedience - but out of desire to live in harmony with the life and love of God. 

This life and love is always waiting for us. The Psalm (68) celebrates the mercy and kindness of God - the God who hears those in need and acts to save them.

As we take that life and love deeper into ourselves, we learn how to hear as God hears - to see as God sees - and to act as God does - reaching out to those in need of our help...or, as it really becomes - God reaches out to them through us.... 

What does it mean for me?

Waterlily How do you respond to God's invitation to be a person through whom he can act to bring joy, justice and peace to others?

         Text © 2006 Wellspring

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