Wellspring of Scripture


Year B: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 10: 31 - 11: 1


Today’s Reading offers a summary of the kind of living which ensures that Christians live in harmony with each other and with the world.


By doing everything to the glory of God, even simple things like eating and drinking become charged with something greater.


It was - and, in some places, remains a tradition for some students and writers to write the letters A.M.D.G at the beginning of their work. Some schools even had their pupils write the letters on every page in their books! The tradition was associated particularly with the Jesuits.


The letters stand for : Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam Latin for “To the greater glory of God”. By writing them on their work, the pupils - and the adults were being reminded that everything - even a page of sums! - could be done for the glory of God.


Even though we may not write the letters on everything we do, we can strive to adopt the attitude of mind that it speaks of. It was obviously how St Paul lived and, as he reminds us, he was modelling himself on Jesus whose whole life was lived to the glory of God.


The Second Vatican Council document, Lumen Gentium offers this insight into what living A.M.D.G. means:


Each man and woman must be a witness to the world of the life and resurrection of Christ and a sign of the living God.


Each one as an individual, and all together as a community, must spread in the work the spirit which raises up the poor, the peacemakers, the patient, those whom the Lord called “Blessed”.


In a word, what the soul is in the body so Christians must be in the world.



What does it mean for me?



How can you develop the “A.M.D.G.” attitude to life?

Who might act as a model for you?

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