Year A: 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15: 20-26, 28 In this Reading, St Paul explores something of the kingship of Jesus. In fact, it seems closer to a stewardship than to an absolute monarchy because , one day, Jesus will hand the kingdom back to God the Father. Before that time, there remains work to be done for, before the Kingdom is handed back to God, every sovereignty, authority and power has to be brought under the reign of Christ - and all enemies of the Kingdom vanquished or destroyed. This power is placed in Christ through His resurrection by which God gave the world the first-fruits if all who had fallen asleep. Through the resurrection of Jesus, death no longer has the dominion it had through the sin of Adam. The greatest enemy of humanity - death - has itself lost its power over us since Jesus was raised from the dead. These images show us that, as Jesus Himself said, His Kingdom is not of this world. His authority is not like that of mortals - here today - and blown away in the gusts of time. His Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom - a Kingdom in heaven - the Kingdom that is to come - the Kingdom that is within us. Much of St Matthew’s Gospel speaks of the Kingdom - and we have read parables where Jesus has tried to offer images and insights into what that Kingdom is like. Each one offers something- but the human mind cannot comprehend the fullness of what it means. The closest we can get is to a “reign” - in which all that damages and diminishes life has been destroyed for ever. In this place, all who have accepted the yoke of Jesus - His authority and His shepherding - will find a place of deep rest - a place where all that they dreamed - and all that they yearned for will come to pass. It is quite a promise - but if we believe in it, we can echo a prayer that has remained constant for generations: “Maranatha” - “Come, Lord Jesus". What does it mean for me?
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