Wellspring of the Gospel


Year A: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

 First Reading: Jeremiah 20: 7-9

In last week’s Gospel, the apostles suggest that Jesus might be a reincarnation of Jeremiah - one of the greatest prophets.

The choice is very appropriate as we can see from today’s First Reading where we see what proclaiming God’s word has cost Jeremiah.

He was not a willing prophet - it is suggested that he was a very shy man. He did not want to be a prophet and, as today’s reading shows, spent a lot of time trying not to think about what God was prompting him to say.

In the Reading, Jeremiah is thoroughly disillusioned by the insult and being the butt of everyone else’s bad feelings.

But, no matter how hard he tries, the word of God is like a fire within that cannot be quenched.

He does not want to speak the word - but the effort not to is too great. In the end, it was easier to speak than to remain silent - even when the consequences were so awful.

Jeremiah - like many of the prophets - did not choose prophecy as a way of life. It is a strange fact that most people called to a special work for God will say that they have suffered for it - and that really, from choice, they would have preferred to have done anything else!

It is almost a sign of a genuine calling that the person concerned does not want it!

And yet, God does ask people to stand up and be counted. Most of us don’t suffer as Jeremiah did - but, perhaps, the small things we endure can make us sympathise with him - and with others whose service of God is so costly.

What does it mean for me?

Waterlily When has serving God cost you something?

Was it worth the cost - or are you still waiting to see?

Text © 2007 Wellspring

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