Wellspring of the Gospel


Year A: 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

 First Reading: Isaiah 55: 1-3

When we remember that the words of this Reading were probably written when the Jewish people were still in exile, we can perhaps get an idea of the depths of longing that existed in the people.

They did not own the land on which they lived - and must have longed for their own soil on which to cultivate crops - their own land in which to sink wells.

So, the promise of God to provide for them must have seemed like music to their ears - the fulfilment of a dream.

No longer would they rely on wages and money to have their fill - all they needed would be there - freely given from the hand of God.

The link between the Reading and the Gospel becomes clear. Jesus is God among His people and, at His hands, bread and fish become a feast for five thousand and more people. His gift to the people echoes the words of promise in the reading - come to Me and I will provide. I am a God who is not outdone in generosity. All God asks of us is that we “pay attention” “come to Him” and “listen” - do this, He says, and your souls will live.

It sounds easy enough!

And yet, often these are the hardest things to do. We think we can do it better ourselves. We are too busy sorting things out for ourselves to give God the time He needs to get through to us.

The food that the Reading speaks of is not just food for our bodies - but a food that satisfies the whole of our being.

This is the food of the everlasting covenant - the food which, as Jesus says, endures to eternal life.

What does it mean for me?

Waterlily How can you learn to trust in the covenant God makes to provide his people with good things?

Text © 2007 Wellspring

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