Year A: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Zechariah 9: 9-10 The First Reading picks up on the theme of the humility of God’s chosen one - the king. Matthew uses this in his account of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem - seeing Jesus’ riding on a donkey as fulfilment of the prophecy we read today. The images of kingship we read today are not the ones we usually associate with absolute monarchs. This is a king who does not lord it over his subjects. He is victorious and triumphant - but needs no lavish procession or parade of those he has captured along with the booty of war. He comes among his people with humility. He comes to establish a reign of peace which will extend to the very ends of the earth. This image of kingship is one that totally confounded Pilate at the trial of Jesus - here was a king definitely not of this world. It is a form of kingship that challenges the world. If our King behaves with such humility - how should we behave? If our King seeks to proclaim peace for the nations - what does this require of us? What does the image of our King coming among us riding on a donkey mean for us?
What does it mean for me?
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