Wellspring of the Gospel


Year A: Fifth Sunday of Lent

First Reading: Ezekiel 37: 12-14

In this Reading, God makes a promise that has one fulfilment in the raising of Lazarus - that people will see the raising of someone from their grave and know that God has done this.

The promise is not limited to that one event - but speaks of God’s promise to everyone who believes - that He will put His own Spirit within them and they will live.

It reminds us of the First Reading at the beginning of Lent where God breathed His Spirit into the man and he became a living being. This was what God created humanity to be - fully human - fully alive.

Sin destroys the fullness of that humanity - and death comes into the world. The creatures made of dust return to it - and all seems lost.

But God does not forget us - even in death - and, as the Gospel, today showed, has the power to raise people from the dead.

For Lazarus, this was a miracle - but was not resurrection. He would live a few more years - but would die again.

The resurrection that God promises is much greater - it is the restoration to our full humanity - a humanity that will not die again.

Through Jesus, we are able to embark on the path to eternal life. We cannot understand what it will be like - but can live in the promise made to Ezekiel - to Martha and to Mary - that one day, God will call our name - calling us from the shadows of death - breathing His Spirit into us again - and drawing us into eternal newness of life.

What does it mean for me?

Waterlily What hope do you find in this reading?

How does the thought of God calling your name and inviting you to eternal life make a difference to how you might live your day-to-day life?

Text © 2007 Wellspring

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