The Mass: The Assembly


In Chapter 2 of its document “Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy”, the Vatican Council stated that the Church does not want believers to attend the Eucharist “as if they were outsiders or silent onlookers” - but as an assembly of people gathered together as sign of faith. Every assembly, however small,  is a sign of the whole Church of Christ.

For many years, the Liturgy was seen as the work of the priest - the people were left to their own private devotions. The reforms of Vatican II were designed to recreate the sense that the early Christian Church had of the people of God being assembled together “in one place” and united “in a single heart and mind”.

There was also a sense in which people realised that they were not coming simply because they felt like it - but because God had called them together - Jesus Himself was inviting them to His supper.

It is not always easy to create this sense of “assembling” as a community of Faith - and yet the sense of welcoming each other and gathering in readiness to celebrate the Mass together sets the scene for all that follows. Somehow, our gathering has to lead us from our individual concerns into solidarity with each other - from our worldly affairs into a communal readiness for an encounter with the divine.

We gather - not as people who have just happened to turn up at a meeting - but as a community of Faith, invited to come to the Table of the Lord. 

We do not gather by accident - but because God Himself has called us together as His People.

Take Time Out

Gathering does not happen instantly - it takes time - and a willingness to become part of a community.

 Think about our gathering for Mass.

Go through all the practicalities of collecting books - newsletters, etc. Think of the people you meet and greet.

How do these things help you to feel that you are welcome - that you belong?

How do you make others welcome?

And finally, think about standing up together to sing the Opening Song or read the Opening Antiphon...a shared gesture - shared words...

How do these things help you to become part of the Assembled People of God?

 How do they help you to be ready for the moment when we place ourselves under the sign of the Cross - the sign of the Trinity - again, a shared gesture - shared words...

© Wellspring 2005

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