The Liturgy of the Eucharist begins with making the altar ready. On Sunday, this is often goes unnoticed as we search out money and envelopes for the collection - but it is important. It highlights the movement from the Word into the Eucharist - and speaks of laying the Table of the Lord. The white altar cloth is usually already in place. A corporal (a white linen square with tiny embroidered cross on one edge) is unfolded and placed on the altar. The chalices and purificators (white linen cloths used to clean the chalices) are brought forward and placed on the altar. If it is to be used, the Missal is also put in place now. As this is happening, the collection is being taken - and this joins the procession of our gifts of bread and wine to the altar. In some ways, it would be easier simply to have the bread and wine ready and waiting - but this would miss an important point. The Roman Missal refers to the “carrying up of the gifts” as a rite in itself - it “continues the spiritual value and meaning of the ancient custom when people brought bread and wine for the liturgy form their homes.” As the procession begins, we all stand again - showing our unity in offering to God the gifts He has given to us.
Take Time Out At Mass next week, try to have your collection offering ready so that you can watch the preparation of the altar. Try to remember the names of the things as they are used (Parents - show your children!) As the gifts are carried forward - remember what you are offering - the joys and the sorrows of your week being taken to the Table of the Lord.
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