How to get to Taizé

The village of Taizé is set on a hill in the Burgundy region of France.

Vineyards in Burgundy, France

Where is Taizé?
On a map of France, follow the A6 from Paris towards Lyon until you find Macon. Find the road leading west/ north-west from Macon to Cluny (N79) - and then a road leading north from Cluny. Taizé is between Cluny and Cormatin - just to the left of that road!

How to get there
By air - Lyon is the nearest airport (1˝ hour drive), from Paris allow 5 hours
By rail - Macon is the nearest station - the TGV provides a fast link from Paris and Lyon. From Macon, there is a bus (Macon > Cluny > Taizé > Chalon)
By road - A6 - see above! From the north, exit at Tournus.

For more information visit the Taizé web-site:

Other points of contact:


Taizé Community,
71250 Taizé,
Phone: (33) 385 50 30 30
Fax: (33) 385 50 30 15
e-mail: (general) (information about Meetings and visits to Taizé)

Welcome to Taizé