Friday Evening Prayer
Friday Evening Prayer in Taize (c) Ateliers et Presses de Taize 1998

© Ateliers et Presses de Taizé 1998
Used with kind permission

This picture is taken from the book "Taize: Trust on Earth" and shows the time at the end of Friday Evening Prayer. The Community have introduced a tradition of prayer from eastern Europe: Prayer around the Cross. People come and - as above - rest their heads n the cross - others prostrate themselves before it - or simply sit in silent contemplation.

For many, is a time to reflect on the graces of their stay - forgiveness received - or given - new, deeper insights into who God is for them and the Call God may be offering them - a new sense of commitment to serve God and God's people...

The Prayer continues as long as there are people wanting to pray - the Church in Taizé is open all night. In 1995, we arrived in Taizé at 1 a.m. on a Saturday morning and, having dumped our bags and sleeping bags in the overnight "barrack", went into the Church - to find a small group of young people still in prayer around the cross.

On another memorable occasion, leaving Kathryn's daughter, Elizabeth, safely asleep in the dormitory with a friend, we went back to the church at midnight - and for two hours simply listened as the nightingales outside took up the prayer where the humans had left off...

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