Pope John Paul II

Prayer following the death of
Pope John Paul II
and for the election of his successor


  As people around the world mourn the passing of Pope John Paul II, groups are gathering to pray.

For Catholics, the main focus will be on the Mass - an outline for one is available here. This will be celebrated in our parish on Friday evening.

See Music in the Mass for ideas.

Line drawings of Pope John Paul II suitable for photocopying can be found here

Many ecumenical groups will also be meeting and two liturgies might spark off ideas.

Gathering up Treasure is a way of gathering up memories - words - insights following a death.

Shepherding God's People offers thanksgiving for the life of John Paul and invokes the Holy Spirit onto the conclave electing his successor. It lends itself to being used on Good Shepherd Sunday (4th Sunday of Easter) which is one the eve of the beginning of the conclave.

Gathering up Treasure offers suggestions about how to use the Liturgy. Many of these ideas might be helpful in your planning.

Here are others that could be useful for both liturgies.

We have found that people like ritual or symbol which express things that go beyond words. The wealth of flowers and candles in St Peter's is a clear sign of this.

The setting could include a photograph of Pope John Paul, a lighted candle, flowers and a Bible open at the appropriate Reading (or Gospel when there is a choice).

Perhaps have photographs from newspapers - of John Paul and also some of the causes he defended (be sensitive to those for whom imagery is not part of their tradition).

In Gathering up Treasure, following the reflection, people could choose a photograph that attracts them as a reminder of the ministry of the Pope.

In Shepherding God's People, this could happen at the point of "Thanksgiving for a Life". In both cases, background music can be helpful. Consider a Nunc Dimittis.

Another possibility for "Thanksgiving" is to create a Powerpoint slideshow- or overhead projector transparencies - of images of Pope John Paul. This could be shown with music in the background. (We are using Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Pie Jesu")

The Reflection could include thoughts on the life of John Paul:
First Reading - as someone who left homeland to be pastor to the world – suffering – body we now hope is transfigured and glorious – all possible in Christ;
Gospel – bearing fruit – abiding in God – obeying Christ’s command to love one another – JP made choice for God – but Christ appointed him to bear much fruit.

A pause after this is helpful - especially in Shepherding God's People - to give people time to "lay down and let go". You might consider gently removing the photograph in the setting and taking it to a place of honour - in a Catholic church the Lady Chapel would be an excellent choice given Pope John Paul's great love for Mary. This may help people to be ready for the next stage of the Liturgy.

Use as much or as little of the Invocation of the Spirit as appropriate to your gathering. One of the Taizé chants, Veni Sancte Spiritus/ Veni Creator Spiritus would be appropriate to hold it together. People could be invited to light candles as signs of the Spirit who comes in wind and fire.



  Music in the Mass  
  Opening Song Laudate 972: Do not be afraid for I have redeemed you
“Do not be afraid to welcome Christ and accept his power.”
At the Mass inaugurating his pontificate, October 22, 1978


  Responsorial psalm    Laudate 804: The King of Love my Shepherd is
John Paul: “a shepherd for the whole world.”


  Gospel Acclamation for Easter 


  Offertory Song  Laudate 898   Make me a channel of your peace
by sharing in the one bread and the one cup, we come to realize that we are "God's family" and that together we can make our own effective contribution to building a world based on the values of justice, freedom and peace.”
Pope John Paul’s Letter for Peace Sunday 2005


  Mass Parts Laudate 559 Gathering Mass Holy Holy & Acclamation

Laudate 594 Jesus, Lamb of God


  Communion Song Laudate 663 Sweet sacrament divine
“where restless yearnings cease and sorrows all depart”

Laudate 366   Holy Virgin by God's decree
“...the Christian people sits at the school of Mary and is led to      contemplate the beauty on the face of Christ and to experience the depths of his love.
Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae


  Commendation Pie Jesu, Andrew Lloyd-Webber

Closing Song            

Laudate 768  Our God reigns
(“Anthem” of Pope John Paul’s 1982 visit to England and Wales)



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