Year A: First Sunday of Lent

 First Reading: Genesis 2: 7-0 - 3: 1-7

Today’s First Reading echoes the Gospel - a conversation between the tempter and the tempted - the difference being in the outcome.

This story comes from the second Creation account - where God creates the man and, from him, the woman. He places them in a garden and ensures that they have everything they need - nothing is denied them - save the fruit of one tree.

The temptation in the story is subtle - “Did God really say this....” “Ah, God doesn’t want you to have the knowledge of good and evil for then you will be like gods too....”

The woman is not tempted to defy God outright - it is put far more cleverly than that - as temptation always is... There is a promise that this will lead to happiness - greater fulfilment - a better life - that it is a good thing. It is only when the step is taken that the truth is revealed - the promise was empty - the tempter could not deliver what had been promised - and they were left with nothing but shame.

The story of the man and the woman and their fall from grace is a myth - a story that reveals great and deep truths about human beings. Some people insist it must be taken literally - as an actual historical event. But often, the same people treat it superficially - as a story of something that happened to the man and the woman a long time ago. The power of myth is that we recognise that it is, in fact, happening in us today.

Most of us have our needs more than provided for - and yet - and yet... The man and the woman in the garden were surrounded by abundance - all they could see was the one thing they couldn’t have...

So with us - often we want something we can’t have so much that we convince ourselves that our happiness depends on having it - We may not set out to fall - but in our desire, we may inflict pain - betrayal - even cruelty on those around us. We may even be totally convinced that we are seeking something good.

But, in the end, when we have it, we have to look at the fruit in our hand - and see ourselves as we really are - and question - was it worth it?


What does it mean for me?

Waterlily Do you recognise this subtle form of temptation?

When have you experienced it in your own life? How did you react? How can you strengthen yourself for future temptation?

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