Wellspring of Scripture


Sixth Sunday of Easter

Second Reading: 1 John 4: 7-10

The word “love” appears in just about every line of this Reading - so, obviously, John is very keen to make a point!


He is taking his readers further into the mystery of the greatness of God’s love for humanity - a love so great that He sent His Son into the fallen world to be the sacrifice which removes the sin which separates us from the One who loves us.


God took the initiative. We can only speak of loving God because God loved us first. We can only turn to God as loving Father because of Jesus, His Son. On our own strength it would be impossible - such love has to come first from the divine - and then we can choose whether we respond or not.


Mutual love was something that set the early Church apart: “see these Christians, how they love one another”. It was not an empty love - or a romantic love - but a love that sought the best for - and from everyone. It was love that was prepared to forgive. It was a love that was prepared to put its hand in its pocket and provide for a fellow Christian in need.


It was a love that was prepared to be tough in matters of truth and justice - but tender in matters of healing and care.


This is the kind of love to which we are called even today. It can be a natural outpouring as a response to being loved, but far more often it has to be worked at. We do not always feel like loving others!


Sometimes, our love will be shown in acts of compassion and kindness. Sometimes, however, it will be manifest in firmness and reminders about how God wants us to live.

Love is not weak - nor is it a push over. Accepting anything in the name of love is not love but a travesty of it. The love of God is sacrificial - but for a purpose - to draw humanity to fullness of life. Our love is to follow that example - loving others to fullness whether that be by toughness or tenderness.


What does this mean for me?


When have you had to choose between showing tough and tender love?

Were you aware of God’s presence in both


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